In addition to being a website about video games, there’s something I’ve always enjoyed and practiced on various occasions, which is public relations work. That’s why you might, on some occasion, receive an email from or through the newsletter.
My main task from this other job, carried out through GamingLog, is to promote smaller studios and their video games, helping them reach a larger audience. In the past, I’ve helped to sent out the launch press release of Halls of Torment, Plastomorphosis, Snowsquall Grip, and the latest was BrokenLore: Low. All of them, in Spain, but I’m starting to work on international PR. Also, I’ve made a lot of work as PR in the past in Ratalaika Games and some more websites like mine.
As you can see, this maybe doesn’t look 100% a professional thing, due it’s made by domain, but in the future I would buy and build a website and make it look more professional. As a lot of you, devs, I’m also starting from the ground and the resources, aren’t always enough.
Latest press releases (from newest to oldest)
- BrokenLore: Low anuncia su fecha de lanzamiento en Steam.
- Snowsquall Grip ya está disponible en Steam.
- Plastomorphosis ya se encuentra disponible en Steam.